Decade after decade the media has been influenced by fad diets that have in one way or another caught our eye. Daring claims were made against fat, for fat…against carbs and for carbs. But, what they have all had in common is protein. We have been fighting with the right amount and right kind of protein for weight loss for years.
- How much protein do we really require?
- What foods contain protein?
- Which protein is best?
- Does working out influence protein needs?
While ensuring your diet is balances with each food group (carbohydrates, fat and protein), it is super important to have enough protein if your goal is weight loss.
A Little Background on Protein
Protein is made up of 20 amino acids that serve as the building blocks for muscle tissue development, growth and repair. Of those 20 amino acids, the body makes 11 (nonessential amino acids), but the other nine, (essential amino acids) have to come from food or supplementation.The protein in our diet can come from animal or plant sources. These “dietary” proteins are broken into two categories: complete and incomplete. Animal and soy proteins are complete because they contain the 9 essential amino acids that the body is not able to make, but must have. Plant proteins (vegetables, nuts and beans) are incomplete. They lack at least one of the essential amino acids. Your body needs complete proteins for weight loss.
How much protein do I need?
For mildly active (exercise three times a week for 30-60 minutes), you don't need more than the RDA -- 0.4 grams per pound of ideal body weight. To calculate your daily protein needs in grams, multiply your weight by 0.4. (For a 145-pound person, that's 58 grams, or 12-15 percent of total daily calories.)If you're moderately active (exercise four to six days a week for 30-60 minutes), take 0.6-0.7 grams/pound. (That's 87-101.5 grams, or about 20 percent of total daily calories, for a 145-pound person.)
If you're highly active (exercise daily for an hour or more) you may need more like 0.9-1 gram/pound. (For a 145-pound person, that's 130.5-145 grams, or about 30 percent of total daily calories.
The reason the quantity of protein goes up is because when you are exercising, you are breaking down muscle tissue (rather you are going heavy or light, if it is burning, it is breaking…if it’s not burning, we have a whole other problem: Kick it up a notch!). In order to repair the broken down tissue, the body needs complete protein chains (all the essential and non-essential) before it can repair the damage and allow you to be one day closer to your goals.
Eating protein will not make you ‘big,’ but it will support what ever workout program you are on, rather it be to lose fat or develop big dense muscles. Eating protein will help weight loss by feeding your body what it needs to be lean and efficient.
Sometimes it is not practical to expect to get the right amount of protein through out the day. Dropping everything to cook eggs or chicken is time consuming and requires some equipment. Having a protein supplement on hand is not only smart but effective. It ensures you are getting quality, complete protein without high amounts of saturated or trans fats.
BSN Lean Dessert Protein: Contains MCT's, EFA's, and Glutamine Peptides, which stimulate energy, fat loss, and lean muscle growth! Designed to be thick and satisfying (helping control your cravings and appetite until your next meal)! Rich in BCAA's and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids! Low in carbs and fat (ideal for low carb/ low fat lifestyles)!
BSN Syntha-6 Protein: Utilizes a formula that offers a time releases supply of amino acids into the bloodstream; uses a patented blend of proteins for a constant supply of nutrient to muscle tissue. Includes branched-chain amino acids and both essential and non-essential amino acids.
Nitro-Tech Hardcore by MuscleTech: Nitro-Tech Hardcore is designed to deliver a triple-whammy of anabolic effects. First, Nitro-Tech Hardcore contains a blend of amino acids that has been specially selected for super-fast, super-effective muscle growth. Second, Nitro-Tech Hardcore contains Insulogen, which is designed to enhance insulin secretion and sensitivity. Third, Nitro-Tech Hardcore contains a NOx (nitric oxide) enhancer that helps you to look and feel as pumped as you’ll ever be.Zero Impact Protein by VPX: Because protein is the single most important performance, appearance and muscle enhancing substance, a significant amount of research went into isolating a protein superior to those already available. Pushing the envelope of technology, VPX Sports Nutrition engineered a protein derived from Cross-Flow Quadrafiltration (CFQ) called ZERO PROTEIN – the highest biological value, fat and carbohydrate-free, pure whey protein isolate. This unique manufacturing processes (CFQ) yields increased protein microfractions and Di, Tri and Quadrapeptide Isolates.
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