Creatine is one of the most used and respected supplements in the fitness and bodybuilding industry.
When you ask gym folks what two supplements they could not do without, you generally hear some form of creatine supplement and of course, protein.
Popular KreAlkalyn Creatine Supplements:
Out With the Old
In order to get the amount of creatine to achieve desired results, you had to take so much. When you supplement with 5 grams of ordinary creatine monohydrate, you only get the benefit of 2-400mg of actual creatine. The rest is converted to creatinine, and the toxicity of this by-product results in some unwanted side-effects including:
- stomach cramps and bloating
- diarrhea
- indemia
- water retention
- dehydration
- headaches
- liver and kidney problems
- creatinine poisoning.
In With the New
Kre-Alkalyn allows you to safely consume creatine to its full and most potent effect with only a fraction of previous dosages. It is buffered to work with the stomach, resulting in perfect pH for full absorption of every gram.
The benefits from using creatine are so extensive that many companies add Kre-Alkalyn Creatine to their protein, pre and post workout supplements. The benefits include:
- Helps pace the process of building muscle mass without having to consume harmful substances such as steroids and hormones
- Enables you to notice a significant increase in muscle in just 2-3 weeks
- Enhances performance, increases the intensity of your workouts, increases the energy levels and accelerates recovery
- Helps build lean muscle while cutting down on body fat
Kre-Alkalyn Creatine Reviews:
I have used creatine monohydrate earlier. This, my fellow iron men, is by far the best. Right from its first serving you will notice greater endurance. I am not a hard gainer. I just started using Kre-Alkalyn Creatine. I presently lift 400 pounds on the bench press (3 reps), but with Kre-Alkalyn Creatine, I do it with a bit more ease, and the recovery between sets is very good too. Your ability to push yourself accelerates. I also noticed it does not dehydrate me like the regular creatine monohydrate. I work out like a maniac. The only thing I see in the gym is the weights and the mirror. No bullshitting, no chit chats on the stock market, and I HATE to be questioned by puny guys about muscle building during my sets. If you are my kind of a guy, you will love your work outs with Kre-Alkalyn Creatine.

I don’t usually write reviews, but I think SciFit Kre-Alkalyn 1500 is a product I will actually vouch for. A few of my older cousins got me into it. I tried BSN Cell-Mass, Pro-lab Creatine Monohydrate, ATP Serum and god knows what else…but this product did wonders for me. I’m 5′11 and 147lbs, and within the 3rd week into it, my lifting (on almost all workouts) shot-up by at least 25 pounds (bench, curls, name it) and there is NO LOADING PHASE all you do is take 2 before and 2 right after your workout...great product. I’m on my 3rd bottle, and I’m not the weakest link anymore!
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